Friday, September 14, 2012

That Kibbutz Life

Today is Day Six of our stay on Kibbutz Ein Dor!

The Habonim Dror houses have their own special space on the kibbutz, but we journey to other spots as well. Everyday for lunch and dinner, us Workshoppers go to the Cheder Ochel which is located at the center of the kibbutz. A few kibbutzniks eat with us at lunch, but we're on our own at dinner. Each Thursday, falafel is served outside of the Cheder Ochel, and plenty of kibbutzniks gather to enjoy food, music, and one another's company. Nearby the Cheder Ochel is the Kolbo, the kibbutz's small convenience store. 

Us Workshoppers also make use of the kibbutz's Machbesa (laundry room). We drop our clothes into two bins labeled "Habonim Dror," and return to the Machbesa the following day to find our clothes freshly cleaned and organized. The kibbutz also has an amazing pool, which will unfortunately close in the next few days. There's also a factory where the kibbutz produces wooden spools that are later wound with wire, as well as a dairy with lots of cows!

Habonim Dror rents a few houses where Workshoppers--as well as Brits soon, taking part in the same program but calling it "Shnat"--and the Tzevet Boneh reside. My kvutza's house--smaller and less technologically equipped than the other house--is quite cozy. Nineteen of us live in five rooms (three kvutzamates live in the other house). We have a common/room hallway with some shelves and a couch, which becomes our small kitchen. We have two bathrooms and two shower rooms, each with two showers and two sinks. In the back there is a kita (classroom), where we have asefot and shiurim. Finally, both houses share a lovely backyard, with grass, trees, and a few wooden benches.

On to my roommates! I have three great roommates! First, there's Danny Shippen, or, according to him,  my "favorite roommate." Danny's from the state of Washington and goes to Machaneh Miriam in Canada. Then there's Carmel Laniado--she lives in Vancouver and also goes to Machaneh Miriam. Finally there's Amit Schwalb! He lives in New York and goes to Machaneh Na'aleh. My roommates are pretty silly, as can be depicted in the slightly blurry of us below. I'm quite happy :)

Yesterday we left kibbutz for the first time and went to Natzeret (Nazareth). We walked around a shuk (outdoor market) for a bit and went into two churches, both claiming to be over the spots were the Angel Gabriel told Mary that she was pregnant with Jesus. After Natzeret, we went to a beach outside Haifa and swam and hung-out for the rest of the afternoon before returning to the kibbutz and then going to the Workshop/Shnat House in Karmiel to meet the Habo Australians for the first time!

Today begins a free weekend that extends through Tuesday, thus including both Shabbat and Rosh Hashannah. The portion of us here for Shabbat took the opportunity to sleep in and then went to the Kolbo to buy food for the weekend. The rest of the day was spent simply relaxing, and the majority of us went to the pool in the afternoon. We did Kabbalat Shabbat together and then went to the Cheder Ochel for Shabbat dinner. 

On Sunday I am journeying to Zichron Yaakov with my friend, Maya, to stay with Leah and Zvi, two of my cousins. We'll be staying with them for the duration of Rosh Hashannah and return to the kibbutz on Tuesday night!

Chag Sameach!