Sunday, October 21, 2012

So, Boneh's Really Begun

Boneh has really gotten into full swing! We now have a concrete schedule for each day of the week.

Sunday: We begin a shiur just after breakfast and aside from a small break, remain in the shiur until lunchtime. Each week the shiurim focus on a different topic. Last week the topic was anti-semetism, and this week the topic is Zionism. After an hour and a half break for lunch, Va'ad Chinuch (Education Committee) runs a section of the day called Chuggim (clubs), and Workshop and British Shnat members are encouraged to run small clubs that everyone can choose to attend. Following Chuggim is Ivrit (Hebrew), and the Workshoppers and Snatties are split into three separate Hebrew classes. After Zman Nikayon (cleaning time) which occurs Sunday through Wednesday at 7pm, everyone has dinner in the Cheder Ochel and then gathers for Erev Tarbut (cultural night), which is essentially a fun activity.

Monday: Yom Kvutza!

Tuesday: These mornings are avodah (work) for my kvutza! Each of us has different avodot around the kibbutz. I work with the horses along with two other kvutzamates. Last week, the three us painted the horses' jumping poles. I'm looking forward to interacting with the actual horses in the coming weeks. Other avodot include working with a kibbutz member who makes cheese, with the plumber, with the handyman, with young children, at the elderly center, machbesa, cheder ochel, mitbach (kitchen), and at the puppet shop. After lunch, we have a period of the day called "Hadracha," which is basically leadership training. Workshop then splits up for tzevet planning time, and then that reconvenes for Zman Pa'il (active time). Last week, everyone participated in fun relay races! Following dinner, everyone sits in a large circle outside the chader ochel for Moetzet Boneh (Boneh Council), which is essentially a town meeting, or Workshop-wide asefa. 

Wednesday: The day begins essentially identically to Sunday mornings, with shiurim in the morning up until lunchtime. After lunch however, we have a section of the day entitled "Israeli Society" prior to Ivrit. This is my favorite section of the day and I look forward to it throughout the entire week. I feel that it is extremely important to remain informed about modern Israeli issues and structures. During these past two weeks, our "Israeli Society" time has been dedicated to learning about and questioning Tzahal (IDF, Israeli Defense Forces). Anyway, after Ivrit and dinner we either have a speaker or an educational movie.

Thursday: Typically, the entire Workshop goes on a siyur each Thursday, however, occasionally we might have a Yom Meyuchad (special day), and thus remain on kibbutz. This was the case this past week, and everyone participated in a Yom Meyuchad about education structures.

On Thursday, we went on a siyur to Atlit, a British prison that was active before the official establishment of the state of Israel. The purpose of the prison was to hold Jews attempting to get into Palestine by via ship. After the siyur, a few of us went to Kfar Tavor to hang-out for the night. We walked around for a while, and even talked with some former members of Hanoar Haoved (Habonim Dror's sister movement). Eventually we stopped at a sit-down cafe/restaurant and had what was probably the nicest meal that I've had throughout the duration of Workshop. The next day, I left Ein Dor and stayed with some friends that my father has known since his involvement with the labor Zionist youth movement, Hashomer Hatzair. The family lives on Kibbutz Shomrat, which is located just on the outskirts of Akko. It was nice to relax with the family and walk around the kibbutz, particularly near the avocado trees!

I decided to stay on kibbutz this past weekend. All of my kvutzamates on kibbutz decided to have a special Friday lunch together. We assigned characters for ourselves, and then enjoyed the meal we had made while acting our parts!

Each Shabbat on kibbutz, a different machaneh has the opportunity to facilitate the weekend's programming and design the schedule to reflect the Shabbat atmosphere at their machaneh. This weekend was Galil Shabbat! My favorite parts were the oneg (in this case, as skit that we wrote and performed to poke fun at Workshop members) and our medurah (bonfire). I have to say, I loved collaborating with my Galil friends, particularly with Dan and Doron while writing the oneg, and again with all of the Galilniks while recreating the beloved medurah acts that are performed at Galil. Shabbat ended successfully with us serving ice cream, just as we do on Saturday nights at Galil.

Later in the week, all of us Workshoppers will be leaving the kibbutz to take part in Rabin Seminar, a seminar to learn about and commemorate Yitzhak Rabin. Yitzhak Rabin was a former prime minister and defense minister of Israel, and was assassinated at a peace rally in 1995.

I'm looking forward to another busy and exciting week of Workshop!