Monday, October 8, 2012

Just a Hike Across the Country

On Tuesday morning during Sukkot, us 44 Workshoppers along with Shnatties from Habonim Dror UK, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa met on the beach of the Mediterranean to embark on Yam L'Yam, a four day hike from the Mediterranean Sea to the Kinneret (the Sea of Galilee, Israel's fresh water lake). After a short tekes (ceremony) by the sea, we got onto a bus to take us to a point where we would begin hiking. I learned that the trip wasn't quite hiking Yam L'Yam, but Otabus L'Otabus (Bus to Bus), as most hikes began with a bus ride and ended with a bus ride.

Anyway, each morning began with a 5:30am wake-up. We left the campsite by around 7, and started hiking in the early morning sunshine. The hikes were long--often until around 5:30pm--but the scenery was breathtaking.

Additionally, all of the Habonim Dror groups were split and mixed together, so half of my kvutza and I were in a group with Australians taking part in Kaveret, the second half of the Workshop/Shnat Tochnit (program). The Australians in my group are currently living in houses located in Akko and Rishon L'Zion. We spent the hikes playing games and getting to know each other. I was fascinated to hear differences about both the North American and Australian Habo movements, as well as differences between our Israel programs! For example, my kvutza is taking part in a kupa system, meaning that we have created a structure amongst ourselves to share spending money. The Australians have toyed around with kupa structures, but primarily just rely on personal money. Another difference is that the Australians have the opportunity not to live on Ein Dor and take part in Boneh, rather they have the choice to instead take part in Machon, a more formal Israel education program that is located in Yerushalayim.

At the end of each day, we all arrived at a campsite and set up either tents or mats. I chose to sleep on a mat each night, wanting to see the stars over my head. We all ate dinner together, and then one Habo group would run a fun yet relaxed activity for everyone.

It was wonderful to finally arrive at the Kinneret on the fourth day! After reflecting on the journey within our groups and having another short tekes, we said our goodbyes and returned to our various houses across Israel.

Today I was overjoyed to wake-up to pouring rain! Kvutzamates rushed out of the house and danced in the yard, and a few even took part in a mud fight! It was nice to experience our first real rain since we've arrived!